Each day at The Mountain School at Winhall offers students a chance to form friendships beyond their class cohort. Community is in our mission at The Mountain School at Winhall we take every opportunity to interact as a whole community allowing students across all grades to form lifelong friendships and bonds. Students spend time together each way in a variety of ways.
Community Gathering
Three times a week the school starts the day with Community Gathering. This is an opportunity for the whole school to come together, talk about important topics, share a joke, and celebrate each others successes in and out of the classroom.
Once a week a class presents in front of the entire school starting at Kindergarten. This is a tremendous opportunity to students to build valuable public speaking skills, building confidence and competence at the same time.
Depending on the time of year students eat together each day in the pavilion or in the multi purpose room. We aim to eat outside as many days of the year as the weather permits. Older students often can be found sitting with even the youngest students as they share time together in a less formal environment.
MSW believes in the power of getting outside and spending time with peers. Daily all students engage in recess together after lunch. Whether it is four square, soccer, Nordic skiing, or playing on one of the two playgrounds, students learn to communicate, work together, and have fun everyday as a tool for positive growth and development. We believe there is no such thing as bad weather and embrace every season outside.
Buddy Block
Once a week, our oldest students join the youngest during buddy block. This unique time is built into the schedule creating mentorship opportunities and a chance to become a stronger community. Older students are often seen reading to the youngest during this block, helping them learn math skills, or engaging in a game together.
Community Block
We end each day at MSW with community block time, this is a chance for students to help with dismissal, help with keeping their classroom clean, take out recycling, or other task around the school. These small tasks allows students to take ownership in their school.