Support Our Mission
Make Your Impact
Support Every Student’s Experience at MSW
As an independent school, we at The Mountain School at Winhall carefully steward our resources to offer each student an exceptional educational experience. Like most independent schools, we have three primary sources of revenue to operate our annual budget - tuition, grants, and philanthropic gifts.
Most of our expenses are covered through tuition from sending towns or private-pay families. Each year we seek private, local, state, and federal grants to help fill the gap between tuition and the true costs of operating the school. Tuition alone does not cover all our expenses.
Your generous support of The Mountain School at Winhall is a commitment to the school and the surrounding community. Our school serves a unique role in this area, and thanks to your support, we can continue to provide local children with an exceptional local education.
Your tax-deductible gifts enhance our children's educational opportunities and enrich their daily learning experiences. Thank you for thinking of supporting our students in their educational journey.
Margaret Schlachter
Head of School
Annual Fund
The Annual Fund happens every year to support our students. Tuition alone does not cover the full cost of a Mountain School at Winhall education. The school is grateful for its faculty, staff, alumni, students, parents, grandparents, family members and trustees who together raise the needed funds to keep the school thriving.
Annually, our goal is $150,000 with all funds directly supporting each student’s education at MSW.
Please make donations payable to
The Mountain School At Winhall
Mail to:
The Mountain School at Winhall
9 School Road
Bondville, VT 05340
Help Plan for The Mountain School at Winhall’s Future
Planned giving is practical for many families, not just those with the greatest wealth. This avenue for giving allows The Mountain School at Winhall to safely plan for the future while ensuring a lasting legacy. Planned gifts often require assistance from your professional financial advisor. These gifts typically come from assets in your estate rather than disposable income, and typically come to maturity upon your death.
Ways to Give:
Charitable Remainder Trust
Charitable Lead Trust
Endowment Gift
IRA Charitable Rollover
Life Insurance Policies
Memorial and Tribute Gifts
Real Estate
Retirement Plan Assets
Please discuss with your professional financial advisor to learn how to support The Mountain School at Winhall’s future with a planned gift, or contact the Head of School to learn more.