Learning Services

Learning Services

Since its founding The Mountain School at Winhall has offered a robust Learning Services program offering a full range of Special Education services for students needing extra assistance throughout the day. We welcome a variety of learners and work hard to meet the social, emotional, and academic needs of every student. The Mountain School at Winhall services students on both 504 Plans and Individual Educational Plans (IEPs) working with each family to ensure their students needs are met. Additionally, our special educator team spends time working with all students and teachers to create individualized plans in order for ever student to succeed at MSW, through classroom interventions and the creation of Educational Support Team Plans (EST Plans).

In school services provided include, whole group, small group, and 1:1 support as well as individualized interventions in both small group and 1:1 settings outside of the classroom. Additionally, we team with outside providers to serve students with occupational therapy, additional speech and language support, as well as other services.

For students receiving Town Tuition we work with the local supervisory unions and LEAs to determine eligibility and the supervisory union covers IEP expenses. Upon acceptance the school, our Special Education Director, works with local LEAs and student’s IEP teams to determine how the student’s services shall be provided at The Mountain School at Winhall. For families who privately pay tuition the school’s team works directly with the family and IEP team to best determine services. Families who privately pay tuition is responsible for the costs of all the services the student receives.